The mysterious inner workings of academia, museum and gallery
systems, and granting agencies are not always evident to
individuals who desire to work with/in them. If only we had insight
into what the hiring committee/ granting agency/ juries were
thinking, we could customize our submissions materials to be most
appropriate. We all know that we need to have sharp images and
equally strong written content, but what are the more nuanced
things that we should be taking into consideration? This panel
invites individuals who have been on search committees, juries, or
other relevant committees who will share their experience and
insider knowledge of the selection process. Also, it invites
individuals who have found successful ways of navigating these
systems from the outside from managing their academic career to
finding and creating exhibition opportunities. Sometimes it seems
like you need to know the secret handshake to be successful in
academia and the arts; this panel seeks to let people in on the
"The Successful Candidate: Two Perspectives on the
Tenure-Track Faculty Search Process"
Amy Broderick, Florida Atlantic University
Corey Lamb, Florida Atlantic University
"Giving It the Ol' College Try"
Jessica Burke, University of North Carolina Charlotte
"Finding the Candidate that Fits the Glass Slipper"
Kathy Liao, Missouri Western State University